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Showing posts from July, 2024


by Gospa News Editorial Staff Putin sets condition for Ukraine ceasefire A ceasefire between Moscow and Kiev can only be agreed if Ukraine takes certain “irreversible” steps that would be “acceptable” for Russia, President Vladimir Putin has said. Otherwise, a cessation of hostilities would be used by Kiev to rearm itself and get ready to continue the conflict, he added. The president made the remarks during a press conference at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Astana, Kazakhstan on Thursday. “We simply cannot declare a ceasefire in the hope that the opposing side will take some positive steps,” Putin […] #Featured #Military #UkraineWar #WarZone #World Read Full Article:

Too Many FLOODS after DAZZLING AURORAS made by HAARP Hard Geoengineering

by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO «Space weather processes, driven in complicated ways by activity on the sun, can adversely affect our infrastructure in space and on the ground. This project funds the use of the HAARP facility in Alaska for space science experiments that can help us understand space weather dynamics. Specifically, the project seeks to understand how some radio waves launched into space come back stronger after they are amplified by energetic particles. The HAARP facility in Alaska is a unique research facility and the only one worldwide to perform such experiments. This project will support […] #Featured #Investigations #Military #ScienceResearch #World Read Full Article:

Mark Dankof on Why Patriots Still Celebrate American “Independence” Day: The End of Pride Month

English-Russian-German Translation: Johnny Punish of Veterans Today poses a Question to Mark Dankof on American “Independence” Day: Mark: Before you break out the Guacamole and Carne Asada, I HAVE AN IMPORTANT QUESTION FOR YOU. INDEPENDENCE DAY? July 4th? Celebrate? Celebrate What? On July 4th, 1776, the rebel citizens of England in its 13 colonies declared their independence from THE KING and, instead, created a Representative Government; A Republic with a President, NOT A KING! And for 248 years that independence endured. On July 1, 2024, The US Supreme Court declared its US President completely immune from all criminal acts creating […] #AmericanGeopoliticalInstitute #CounterPoint #Featured #Government #History #IsraelWaronPalestine #Life #UkraineWar #WarZone Read Full Article:

The Jewish war on God: Netanyahu to tax Christian churches “out of existence.”

Perhaps Christian Zionists in America should reconsider their stance. The conflict often described as " the Jewish war on God" has a long history spanning two thousand years. #Featured #IsraelWaronPalestine #WarZone Read Full Article:

Are World Bank's figures a fake?

How come Countries so strong and powerful as China and Russia aren’t ”rich” enough to support the demand of their systems according to World Bank figures? Is this perhaps a form of hybrid cognitive war? A major Asia Times article on the true size of China’s economy, which may actually be much larger than we generally think. What’s the real size of China’s economy? China’s GDP PPP is really “only” 25% larger than that of the United States when last year: China generated twice as much electricity as the United States; it produced 12.6 times more steel and 22 times […] #Featured #Government #World Read Full Article:

Germany expanding intelligence services amid its “preparation for war” with Russia

Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. Germany continues its irrational “preparation for war” against Russia. Recent media reports indicate that the country’s military counterintelligence service is about to receive additional support to prepare itself against foreign threats in the event of a conflict with Russia. Berlin seems to be ready to take all possible steps towards an open war with Moscow, even though there is obviously no possibility of Germany being victorious in such a conflict. Germany’s Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) is apparently preparing for a conflict scenario. According to […] #Life Read Full Article:

My Take: News and Commentaries

Dear friends and readers. This segment will follow latest events from Gaza, Ramallah, Washington and Louisiana. – Gaza: Today is 269 days of the joint American/Israeli war on Gaza. A genocidal war waged with American bombs and joint America-Israeli and Israeli soldiers. 38,000 dead and more than 85,000 injured and some 10,000 missing. A war being waged notwithstanding the ruling of the International Criminal Court, and notwithstanding the UNSC resolution sponsored by the US. Since the UNSC resolution passed, we have heard many time from our Israeli-First Secretary of State that it was Hamas that is delaying the deal, while […] #Featured #IsraelWaronPalestine #WarZone Read Full Article:


Introduction di Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO The Moms for America, this is the name of the association, have decided to launch an attack at the heart of the diabolical global immunization plan promoted since 1999 by Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation. Their legal action filed in a District Court of Florida (details in the article below) effectively aims to break down the immunity that allows Big Pharma in the USA not to be liable for the damage caused by vaccines placed on the market on the principle of their social utility. Precisely because with the Covid-19 […] #COVID #Featured #HealthWellness #Life #World Read Full Article:

RIGHT GROWS in The European Union. Hope or Danger for Freedom vs NATO Wars?

In the cover image Marine Le Pen celebrates the projected victor with supporters on June 30, 2024 ©  Marine Le Pen on X, Beside Hungarian OM Viktor Orban by Carlo Domenico Cristofori The right-wing National Rally (RN) party is set to win the first round of the French snap parliamentary elections held on Sunday, exit polls show. The result is a stunning defeat for President Emmanuel Macron and his centrist Together (Ensemble) coalition Macron called for an early vote following the poor performance of his Renaissance Party during the European Parliament election last month, when RN led by Jordan Bardella […] #Featured #UkraineWar #WarZone #World Read Full Article:

GIANT RUSSIAN BOMB WIPED NEW YORK... A Ukranian Settlement in Donbass (video)

A video of what is said to be the use of Russia’s new FAB-3000 heavy aerial bomb against Ukrainian positions in the settlement of New York in the Donetsk People’s Republic has emerged on social media. According to reports by some Russian Telegram channels on Sunday, the three-ton high-explosive bomb equipped with a guidance module struck a Ukrainian command center, killing at least 60 troops and destroying four vehicles. The affected building “disappeared without a trace,” one of the reports claimed. The drone footage of the strike, allegedly made in New York, captured a gigantic explosion. RT could not independently […] #Featured #Military #UkraineWar #WarZone Read Full Article: