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Showing posts from June, 2024

€800 million worth of Serbian ammunition ended up in Ukraine via third parties – FT

Serbia has sold some €800 million in ammunition to various European countries that ended up in the hands of Ukraine despite the alliance and ties that have united Belgrade with Moscow for centuries, the Financial Times reported on June 22. Although Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić says he cannot control what purchasing countries do with the ammunition once they receive it and that it is a business opportunity for his country, he cannot be under any illusions that this will win him favors from the West. The newspaper stated that, according to “estimates shared,” ammunition exports from Serbia to Ukraine through third parties amount to […] #Europe #UkraineWar Read Full Article:

The hidden truth about the deportation of Jews from Hungary and the Lodz ghetto to Auschwitz in 1944

In fact, the Auschwitz Museum waited 20 years before reluctantly mentioning this document in its historical context #Featured #History #Investigations Read Full Article:

Neo-Nazi junta's F-16s flying from NATO countries – great way to start WW3

As NATO and its Neo-Nazi proxies coordinate their long-range strikes with terrorist attacks deeper within Russia (a threat they’ve already made on several occasions and are now fulfilling, as evidenced by the latest events in Dagestan), the belligerent alliance’s eastern member states are preparing to effectively enter the conflict, albeit not officially. Namely, just like NATO ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets are used for long-range attacks on the Russian military in an “unofficial” capacity, the political West is hoping to get the chance to use F-16 fighter jets from airbases in Eastern Europe, where they would be “safe” from Russian counterattacks. […] #Europe #Featured #Government #Military #UkraineWar #WarZone Read Full Article:

Former PM Azarov says Ukraine has no opposition: ‘They are in prison or abroad’

Currently, in Ukraine, there is no opposition and politicians challenging Volodymyr Zelensky as they are either in prison or abroad, according to the country’s former prime minister, Mykola Azarov. He also highlighted that Kiev would be forced to accept any agreement between Russia and the United States. “There is no opposition in Ukraine now. [Pyotr] Poroshenko or [Yulia] Tymoshenko are not opposition. Their policy was no different from the current policy of the Kiev regime. The real opposition was eliminated. Some were killed, others are in prison, and some were forced to go abroad,” Azarov said in an interview with […] #UkraineWar #WarZone Read Full Article:

Russia should immediately start shooting down all NATO ISR assets

In the broadest sense of the word, terrorism is usually defined as the use of extremely violent and/or deadly methods (essentially any sort of illegal warfare) against a certain group of people to coerce them into submission, destroy them or simply achieve any other political or ideological goal. Non-combatants are particularly affected by terrorist attacks, as extremist groups operate outside of the norms of international law and consider anyone or anything to be a “legitimate” target, especially if they believe that terrorist activity will produce the desired result – the feeling of terror most people have in the aftermath of […] #Featured #UkraineWar #WarZone Read Full Article:

Methodist Church Embraces Satan, Abandoning Traditional anti-LGBT Policies

The United Methodist Church delegates, stepping into a new era of "inclusivity", overturned various anti-LGBT policies without any debate. #Featured #Government #Life #World Read Full Article:

Putin’s peace proposal still stands – Kremlin

The Russian president has insisted that Moscow is open to resolving the Ukraine conflict through negotiations with Kiev #Featured #UkraineWar #World Read Full Article:

Flight of the Dictator

Flight of the Dictator By Jirair Tutunjian   Ace Wall Street denizens who double the value of their clients’ investments are bush league compared to the financial genius who heads a remote country called  Azerbaijan. His name is Ilham oglu Aliyev. The country (established in 1918) he rules with corrupt and bloody hands is younger than Coca-Cola. Dictator Aliyev’s wealth is estimated at $11 billion. His salary? $104,612. The Midas of Baku hasn’t attended investment classes but whatever he touches turns into gold. In fact, his whole family (wife, two daughters, and son) boast a similar golden touch. The Azeris […] #Featured #Life Read Full Article:

Speaking Truth to Empire

On Speaking Truth to Empire on KFCF 88.1 FM independently owned and locally operated since 1975 in Fresno, Dan Yaseen interviews Alice Slater, she is on the boards of World BEYOND War and the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space. As a member of the Lawyers Alliance for Nuclear Arms Control, she travelled to Russia and China on numerous delegations engaged in ending the arms race and banning the bomb. The topics of discussion, an Illegal Proposal of European Nuclear Deterrent, and how Ukraine and Gaza Wars are moving us toward World War III and a Nuclear […] #Life Read Full Article:

Farage Enters The Fray

In a dramatic intervention on Monday June 3rd Nigel Farage announced that he was resuming leadership of the Reform Party and entering the race for the constituency of Clacton, a pleasant seaside town in Essex. Tory poll numbers started dropping almost immediately. On June 14th the first poll putting Reform ahead of them was published by YouGov. The polls are all over the place, but Labour’s lead appears to be narrowing, with one poll putting them on 37%, another on 35%. No UK polling organisation has the necessary objectivity and professionalism to be able to accurately measure the Reform vote. […] #CounterPoint #Europe #Featured #Government Read Full Article:

Antisemitism Is Pervasive and Ubiquitous Throughout Universe, Says Jewish Physicist

Dr. Franck Einshtein, Director of Harvard University’s Jeffrey Epstein Institute for the Investigation of Fundamental Physical Forces, has an announcement to make. #Featured #IsraelWaronPalestine #WarZone Read Full Article:

Israeli Official Describes Secret Government Bid to Cement Control of West Bank

In a taped recording of the speech, the official, Bezalel Smotrich, can be heard suggesting at a private event earlier this month that the goal was to prevent the West Bank from becoming part of a Palestinian state. #Featured #Government #IsraelWaronPalestine #WarZone #World Read Full Article:

America's strategic nightmare – Russia (re)building alliances across the globe

For around two decades after the (First) Cold War Russia tried building close ties with the European Union, the United States and other countries of the political West. Obviously, ties to its old friends never died, but were essentially reduced in terms of practicality. Moscow didn’t want any sort of enmity with NATO, seeking to build a mutually beneficial relationship that would defuse tensions and create an atmosphere of peace and cooperation. However, the world’s most aggressive racketeering cartel had other plans. The NATO-orchestrated Georgian War of 2008 was the first direct clash between a Western proxy and the Russian military […] #Asia #Europe #Featured #Government #Military Read Full Article:

Russia states the conditions under which it will invade NATO

Despite the U.S. team’s constant lies to the contrary, Russia has zero interest in conquering the American empire (or any part of it) unless the rulers of America will never halt their goal of adding Russia to their empire. #Featured #UkraineWar #World Read Full Article:

The June 2010 ''Suicides'' of both Netanyahu's and Barak's Psychiatrists and the logical implications of their violent deaths

Moshe Yatom, a prominent Israeli psychiatrist who successfully cured the most extreme forms of mental illness throughout a distinguished career, was found dead at his home in Tel Aviv yesterday from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. A suicide note at his side explained that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been his patient for the last nine years, had “sucked the life right out of me.”“I can’t take it anymore,” wrote Yatom.He was converting his diary into a book about the Netanyahu case that wasn’t ever published because of the premature death of the psychiatrist… Natural or induced? ‘ […] #CounterPoint #Featured #Government #Investigations #IsraelWaronPalestine Read Full Article:

Jack Heart’s Conversations from the porch – Episode 53, noncompliance, empathy and ethics...

Here’s your beloved police, Kings Park, June 2020, doing what they do best, protecting their pensions. The only thing that stopped the hateful Black malcontents from all catching beatings, some of them did anyway, was these porkchops in blue. They would do it three more times, when Blacks led by their Jewish Lesbian warlords dispatched by the “Board of Education,” returned to Kings Park, disrupting working class White neighborhoods and closing down businesses for the night. Whites, many of them off duty cops and their sons, were threatened with arrest if they did not disband while Blacks and their fat […] #Featured #Life Read Full Article:

“NATO's LIES ON MEDITERRANEAN WARS FOR GAS”. Exclusive Interview to Former Interpol EU Officer

«Lies, my boy, are immediately recognisable, because there are two types: there are lies that have short legs and lies that have a long nose» Carlo Collodi , The Adventures of Pinocchio Lies and false truths constructed on the table, genocide and forced exodus to seize energy resources. by Piero Angelo De Ruvo  VERSIONE IN ITALIANO Never before have the words that master Geppetto, a psychoanalyst ante litteram, addressed to his puppet been so timely. Lies that have effects on the mind, on the body, on relationships with others, on relationships between states. How many conflicts – Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, […] #Featured #Investigations #IsraelWaronPalestine #Military #UkraineWar #WarZone #World Read Full Article:

Pakistan: 3 minority Ahmadiyya community members detained to prevent them from performing religious rites

Three leading members of the minority Ahmadiyya community have been put under one-month detention by the Chakwal district administration to prevent them from performing religious rites on the occasion of Eid-ul Azha, Dawn reported. Chakwal’s Deputy Commissioner Quratul Ain Malik issued three separate orders for the detention of the three men on June 10, following which the three were arrested by the police and sent to Jhelum prison. All three men are natives of Dulmial village, which witnessed a mob attack on the mosque of the Ahmadiyya community in December 2016 resulting in the death of two persons. The historic […] #Asia Read Full Article:

Russia will ‘never’ withdraw troops – Putin

Ukraine’s unrealistic demand is intended to make peace talks impossible, the Russian president has said #Featured #Government #UkraineWar #WarZone #World Read Full Article:

Ukrainians dying in their hundreds of thousands so US weapon manufacturers can profit

Washington has spent $1.8 trillion over the 20-year failed military campaign in Afghanistan to defeat the Taliban, whilst aid to Ukraine in just a little more than two years has already reached $175 billion dollars, according to a Council on Foreign Relations report published on May 9. The American military-industrial complex is rejoicing at the rate of weapons being given to Ukraine as contracts for military orders to replace outdated weapons with new ones are being secured for many years to come. However, the profiteering of American weapon manufacturers is coming at an immense human cost in Ukraine. The huge […] #UkraineWar Read Full Article:

Poland about to deploy mines on Russian borders

Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. NATO continues to escalate its conflict with the Russian Federation. In a recent statement, an important Polish member of Parliament and ex-minister stated that his country will soon lift the ban on the use of anti-personnel mines on the border with the Russian region of Kaliningrad. The measure is seriously escalatory, since this type of equipment poses significant risks to Russian citizens, increasing tensions between Moscow and Warsaw. According to the lawmaker, former Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak, Poland should deploy mines on the border […] #Life Read Full Article:

Germany betting on ‘hybrid weapons’ to disguise its inability to keep arming Ukraine

Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. According to German media, Ukraine is close to receiving German “Frankenstein tanks.” The weapons are said to be hybrid arms, featuring elements from different operational systems. On the one hand, the move shows how Berlin remains committed to supporting the Kiev regime despite all the losses; on the other, it shows how the German defense industry is unable to meet Ukrainian military demands. German military company Rheinmetall is expected to soon supply Kiev with air defense systems capable of shooting down Russian drones […] #Europe #Featured #Government #UkraineWar #WarZone Read Full Article:

Number of Ukrainians against compromises with Russia declines – poll

The opposition Ukrainians have in making concessions in peace negotiations with Russia has declined over the past two years, a new survey conducted by a Kiev-based think tank found. The same think tank also found that the majority of Ukrainians recognise that Russia’s special military operation is not the reason why Volodymyr Zelensky could not deliver on the promises he made when he was elected president in 2019 – most famously to fight and end corruption. Although the majority of Ukrainians still resist the possibility of making compromises in negotiations,  the percentage has decreased from 80% in May 2022 to 58% today, according to the survey carried […] #UkraineWar Read Full Article:

What is the recent reshuffling in Russian MoD really about?

The economy has always been a crucial aspect of military power. With adequate industrial output, a country could drastically enhance its military might and that has been the case since the dawn of warfare. This is particularly true nowadays when the human factor is increasingly less relevant than was the case just a few decades ago. While militaries required millions of soldiers until relatively recently, the era of ever-evolving modern warfare brought tectonic changes. Nowadays, a heavily armed military force of just a few hundred thousand men could defeat an entire nation with four or five times as many troops (if not […] #Featured #Government #Military Read Full Article:


(Mark Dankof’s own eschatological and political perspectives over time are more than augmented by the Arnold article, which begins below with attribution.) From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 18 No 1 (Feb 2024) by Jafe Arnold and published for American and Western readers by the English language division of Geopolitika:   In the year and a half since 29-year-old Daria Dugina was killed in a car bombing near Moscow, the question “Who is Daria Dugina?” has not gone away. On the contrary, as the smoke cleared, this question only intensified and broadened. This is perhaps one of the reasons why, […] #AmericanGeopoliticalInstitute #CounterPoint #Government #History #Investigations #Life #Military #UkraineWar #WarZone Read Full Article:

Even “crazed Zionist” Wikipedia forced to declare the ADL as “pure BS”

The ADL has also advised police forces to plant undercover agents within anti-racist demonstrations to use surveillance footage to prosecute protesters. #Featured #IsraelWaronPalestine #World Read Full Article:

The Dark Side of Online Betting: How Digital Gambling is Threatening Bangladesh's Social Fabric

The Dark Side of Online Betting: How Digital Gambling is Threatening Bangladesh’s Social Fabric M A Hossain The rapid proliferation of digital technology has revolutionized various aspects of life, including entertainment and recreation. Among these changes is the rise of online betting, which has become a prevalent activity among young people in this subcontinent. While it offers the allure of easy money and excitement, online betting poses significant risks and challenges. In Bangladesh, the situation is increasingly alarming, affecting the social fabric and law and order. Online betting has seen exponential growth in Bangladesh, driven by easy access to the […] #Featured #World Read Full Article:


Brainwashing, a common and commonly understood condition, I believe grew out of the Korean War and the charge that Chinese Communists had captured and “brainwashed” American soldiers. This meme then gained legs through the agency of cinema with the 1962 movie: The Manchurian Candidate. I am sure brainwashing was not new to the American government and military but 1962 is the year that “brainwashing” broke into the consciousness of the American public, the public which is referred to as “The People” in this nation’s founding documents. In fact, it appears that the American government was really far ahead of the […] #Featured #Government #History #World Read Full Article:

Why is Russia revamping its nuclear doctrine?

In the immediate aftermath of the (First) Cold War, Russia was forced to rely on its strategic arsenal for security, as the massive Soviet conventional military power dwindled into a mere shadow of its former self during the troubled 1990s. The compliant liberals in power at the time took it upon themselves to destroy Soviet/Russian military power in peacetime, a task their Western sponsors couldn’t have even dreamed of in anything short of a global confrontation. By the late 1990s/early 2000s, the legacy of the USSR was seemingly gone. However, in reality, the former Soviet military proved to be far more […] #Featured #Military Read Full Article:

Why is Sheikh Hasina paying a second trip to India in a month?

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will be visiting India from June 21, which will be her second trip to the oldest and largest democracy in the world within the gap of just 15 days. Earlier, from June 8-10 she visited India to attend the oath-taking ceremony of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.  Sheikh Hasina’s forthcoming visit will be the first bilateral held by India under the Modi 3.0 government. According to Hindustan Times, Bangladesh is keen on setting up a bilateral meeting between Hasina and Modi before the former departs for a 3-days official visit to China from July 9-12 as an effort to strike […] #Government #World Read Full Article:

EU again shooting itself in the foot by joining US trade war against China

The European Union is introducing tariffs on the import of Chinese electric cars because, as seen with the imposition of the boomeranged US-led sanctions against Russia, the bloc fully follows the policy of Washington, which is satisfied with the trade war against China. However, just like the sanctions against Russia, an economic war against China will only leave the EU weaker. Following Washington’s introduction of a 100% tariff on Chinese electric cars, Brussels decided to introduce different tariff rates depending on the car model and manufacturer. The EU had a customs duty of 10% but is now massively increasing them, in some […] #Asia #Europe #Government Read Full Article:

My Take: News and Comments

Celebrating Juneteenth by Senator Mark Warner ( D-VA) 
I am honored to join you in celebrating Juneteenth, a day of remembrance marking the end of slavery. One hundred fifty-nine years ago today, Union General Gordon Granger arrived in Texas to announce the end of the Civil War and proclaim freedom for all enslaved individuals. Today, we celebrate the rich contributions that Black Americans have made to our society and acknowledge the continued fight against systemic racism and inequality.

Juneteenth serves as a powerful reminder of the need for us to come together as a community and stand united in our dedication […] #Featured #Government #World Read Full Article:

President and Prime Minister’s offices in Bangladesh suffer from serious security lapses

Recent developments have highlighted significant security concerns at the Banga Bhaban (Presidential Palace) and the Prime Minister’s office in Bangladesh. Suspicious individuals are gaining access to these highly sensitive areas, posing serious threats to national security and the safety of President Mohammed Shahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. On June 13, 2024, Munsur Ahmed Akash, a private individual, published a post on Facebook from Gono Bhaban, the official residence of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The post included an image of an official letter issued by Al Mamun Murshed, the Prime Minister’s Personal Assistant-2, dated June 7, 2024. This letter, memo number 03.00.2690., […] #Investigations Read Full Article:

Zelensky's "peace summit" ends without any effective result, while Russia offers concrete peace proposal

Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. The “peace” conference organized by the Kiev regime in Switzerland has come to an end. As expected, no concrete proposals were reached. The event served only as a way for NATO and its proxy regime to unilaterally reaffirm their interests. The lack of Russian participation made the conference a real waste of time, completely incapable of establishing a real peace agenda. Any diplomatic negotiation obviously requires the presence of at least two parties interested in resolving a specific issue. Whether in a trade relationship […] #Life Read Full Article:

EU believes Ukraine may embezzle aid funds

Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert. Despite continuing to fund the war against Russia, the EU seems to trust the Ukrainians less and less. The European Commission recently announced the creation of a special watchdog to monitor the money sent to the Kiev regime. The aim is to thwart corruption and prevent the financial aid from being stolen by criminals and oligarchs. Suspicions of embezzlement of European money in Ukraine are growing day by day, as the Ukrainian government remains recognized as one of the most corrupt in the […] #Featured #UkraineWar #WarZone Read Full Article:

US state sues Pfizer over ‘Misleading’ Covid-19 vaccine claims on Risks and Effectiveness

In the cover image Pfizer Covid vaccine and Kansa State Attorney General Kris Kobach VERSIONE IN ITALIANO «The state of Kansas has filed a lawsuit against pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Inc. for alleged consumer protection violations related to the company’s manufacturing of the COVID-19 vaccine, saying the company marketed the shot as “safe” even though it “knew” the vaccine was connected to “serious adverse events.”» The Defender (Children’s Health Defense website) reported- “Pfizer misled the public that it had a ‘safe and effective’ COVID-19 vaccine,” the 69-page lawsuit filed Monday in the District Court of Thomas County alleges. “Pfizer said its […] #COVID #Featured #HealthWellness #Investigations #Life #World Read Full Article:

Resistance Axis ISR Supremacy

American Geopolitical Institute Update from our West Asian Correspondent   Resistance Axis ISR Supremacy Update June 18, 2024     As stated in Why The West Can’t Win,[1] the Axis of Resistance (Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Ansar Allah, Popular Mobilization Units – Iraq) has military supremacy in Southwest Asia; today there is further confirmation of this fact.   On June 18, 2024, Hezbollah released a 10-minute aerial reconnaissance video of northern Israel, covering in great detail military bases, aerial defense systems, military industry plants, civilian infrastructure and residential areas. Video even showed in detail the submarine pier in Haifa port. […] #AmericanGeopoliticalInstitute #Featured #IsraelWaronPalestine #WarZone Read Full Article:


I shuffled along, exhausted. The morning twilight was breaking over the seldom used trail I trod upon, the ghostly trail that wound down through the spaces between the shimmering forms of the trees. My heart was on fire. It blazed in my breast. I could barely remember, as I realized I was cursed with thirst, what I had dreamed the night before. I dreamed I was transparent, and I could look through my own flesh, to my bones which were just points of dancing green, blue and white light. I dreamed that I could take a different shape and run […] #Featured #Life Read Full Article:

Hunter Biden's conviction – laughable attempt to mask America's two-tiered 'justice' system

My respected colleagues have covered the case of Hunter Biden extensively. The “First Crackhead”, as some more independent media like to style him, is a truly repulsive lifeform (because calling him a human being would be too much of a stretch, not to mention an insult to his countless victims). The mainstream propaganda machine and the federal institutions of the United States have spent years (if not decades at this point) trying to hide the endless stream of scandals surrounding the incumbent’s son. This is hardly surprising, given that Joe Biden has been in high politics for over half a century at this point. The connections he made since the early 1970s […] #Featured #Government #Investigations Read Full Article:

Up to half a million NATO soldiers waiting to enter Ukraine

When Russia launched its special military operation (SMO) on February 24, 2022, it became the active part of the Kremlin’s strategic counteroffensive against crawling NATO aggression. At the time, President Vladimir Putin made it clear that anyone foolish enough to get directly involved would be met with consequences they’ve never experienced in their entire history. And indeed, nobody dared to get into a direct confrontation with Moscow. This forced the political West to find workarounds in order to provide indirect support for its favorite Neo-Nazi puppets. However, what started out with batches of ATGMs (anti-tank guided missiles) and MANPADS (man-portable air […] #Europe #Featured #Government #Military #UkraineWar #WarZone Read Full Article:

Although Zelensky's Swiss conference flops, Moscow continues to face humiliating defeat in soft-war

As US President Joe Biden’s possibility of being defeated by Donald Trump on November 5, 2024 is becoming almost imminent, his administration has been desperately pushing a number of agendas with the goal of spreading war and extreme destabilization in a number of countries, including Ukraine and Russia, while Washington has intensified its attempts to carve out “a Christian state like East Timor” taking parts from Bangladesh, Myanmar and India. Meanwhile, the recently concluded Swiss conference – an event proposed by Volodymyr Zelensky and backed by the United States and NATO nations, which was aimed at escalating pressure on Russia […] #Government #World Read Full Article:

Trump slams Zelensky: “He’s maybe the greatest salesman of any politician that’s ever lived”

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump took advantage of a campaign event to slam Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who continues to receive tens of billions of dollars whenever he visits Washington. Zelensky is evidently worried by the prospect of Trump returning to the White House as it will all but effectively force the Kiev regime to negotiate with Moscow. The former president at the Turning People’s Convention Point Action in Detroit described Zelensky as “maybe the greatest salesman of any politician that has ever lived” and criticised the Biden administration for “wasting” billions of dollars “I think Zelensky is maybe greatest salesman of […] #UkraineWar #WarZone Read Full Article:

President Putin says Increasing Russian Birth Rate is a National Priority

“In this large-scale creative work, it is necessary to fully use the powerful unifying potential of all levels of government, civil society institutions, and the media.” #Featured #Government #History #UkraineWar #WarZone #World Read Full Article:

Pakistani ISI incites communal riot in India using the guise of a Buddhist monk

Through an account on ‘X’ having over 19.6 thousand followers, using the fake identity of a Buddhist monk namely Ashin Wirathu that claims to be hailing from Ma-Soe-Yein Monastery in Mandalay, Myanmar, Pakistani spy agency Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) has been continuing vile attempts with the dangerous agenda of inciting communal riot in India. On May 20, 2020, this account in a post said, “Read your literature, read the war techniques of your warriors, become strong to protect your people and the culture of nature. Eradicate the evil cult and establish peace”. On June 17, 2024, criticizing Muslim Eid, this account in a post stated, […] #Government #World Read Full Article:

Dr. Yunus's Initial Foray into Politics

Dr. Yunus’s Initial Foray into Politics M A Hossain Bangladesh, under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been often lauded for its remarkable economic growth and strides in poverty reduction, now finds itself at a political crossroads, including serious threat to its national security. Nobel laureate Muhammed Yunus, known globally for “pioneering microcredit” and his claim of lifting millions out of poverty has recently made headlines with his pointed criticism targeting ruling Awami League. In an interview with Reuters, Dr. Yunus described Bangladesh as a “one-party” state, accusing the ruling party of stifling political competition. This marks a […] #Government #World Read Full Article:

Under the pretense of human rights and democracy, American NGOSs implement CIA’s agenda

During the recent years, every nation in the world, especially those in the Global South has been witnessing with greatest dismay the role of some US- funded NGOs, which are making frantic bids in corrupting so-called civil society, where Washington has been weaponizing pseudo-academic “human rights” groups as its subservient elements in implementing its political, economic, cultural and military agendas. In present-day geopolitics, the role of human rights non-governmental organizations (NGOs) has become increasingly dissected. These organizations, ostensibly independent and dedicated to advocating for human rights, are being weaponized as tools of foreign policy, particularly by the United States. This […] #Government #World Read Full Article:


LIARS, LIARS, LIARS By Garcia Wilde The world was finally at peace. Children went to bed dreaming of beautiful princesses, brave knights, towering castles, and forest filled with mystery and magic. Palestinians and Israelis finally lived in peace. The world—more precisely the West–preferred to forget Israel had been created through the occupation of Arab Palestine and by driving out Palestinians making them refugees in their own homeland. The world turned a blind eye to the fact that millions of Palestinians had become virtual prisoners under brutal Israeli misrule. Israelis believed they had finally “tamed” Palestinian “terrorists” to submission. After all, […] #Featured #IsraelWaronPalestine #WarZone Read Full Article:

US assistance to Ukraine drops to minimum indicators, says retired Ukrainian general

US aid to Ukraine has decreased to minimum indicators, former deputy chief of the General Staff of the Ukrainian forces and retired general Ihor Romanenko said in an interview with the NTA TV channel. This is another demonstration that the US is incapable of providing Ukraine the support it needs despite promising to back the country until Russia is defeated – a scenario that will evidently not occur. “The US president apologised to our president for the suspension of arms supplies, after which he provided another package worth $225 million. There was no such low indicator [of assistance] until this […] #UkraineWar Read Full Article:

How legitimate are Western leaders?

Legitimacy in countries that are “democracies” (formally, at least) comes from the support of the masses. Logically, one would expect that the ruling parties and/or coalitions would have the most support. However, as everything in the political West has essentially turned on its head, particularly in recent times, the very concept of “democratic” rule now seems to have lost its meaning. While the mainstream propaganda machine likes to call Russian President Vladimir Putin a “dictator”, despite his approval rating hovering around 85-90%, they fail to explain how it is possible that so many EU/NATO “leaders” have had negative public approval for […] #Europe #Featured #Government Read Full Article:


In the cover image the Frigate Admiral Gorshkov carrying the powerful Zircon hypersonic missiles UPDATE ON JUNE 17, 2024 Russian Naval group will continue Accomplishing Missions in Caribbean Sea A group of the Northern Fleet’s ships led by the frigate Admiral Gorshkov has wrapped up its unofficial visit and left the Havana port in Cuba to continue accomplishing long-distance deployment missions, the Fleet’s press office reported on Monday. “Today a group of the Northern Fleet’s ships led by the frigate Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov has completed its unofficial visit and left the port of Havana in […] #Featured #Military #UkraineWar #World Read Full Article: